Oliver Strong is an artist, and history enthusiast having studied it at Oxford University. He is also the co-owner of a successful communications consultancy. Communication is a big passion!
In 2022 Oliver and his wife Camilla and family left England during Covid to start a new adventure in Spain. They fell in love with ‘Can Punxes’ - the ‘Spiky House’ - a stunning yet crumbling Art Nouveau Mansion from 1911, just 35 minutes from Barcelona. It is a rare jewel, built to the highest standards and untouched for 100 years. Yet it was also on the tipping point of dereliction.
They are telling the story of their renovation in their vlog the 'Magical Modernist Mansion'
Saving the house is an exciting yet daunting prospect. The house is highly protected and listed on the Inventory of the Architectural Heritage of Catalonia. It is packed full of painted walls and ceilings and intricate iron and stonework, so it will require specialist craftspeople. The vlog will also tells of their adventure getting to know the local community. They want to ensure that the house isn’t hidden away but enjoyed and loved by people in the town, and across the world.
Ollie met Stephanie when they were both 18 at Oxford University. They bonded when their punting boat sank in the river and they haven’t looked back since. Thankfully most of their journeys have been more successful than this initial one.
The Art Nouveau mansion Ollie is restoring with his wife Camilla.